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Remote Sample Approval

Remote Sample Approval

Review and approve your pre-production samples using video technology to connect with a SAMMARTEX inspector who will be onsite at your factory.

When international logistics are disrupted or a quick approval turn-around is needed, having your factory send pre-production or production samples to your quality team for review may not be an option.

Remote Sample Approval will speed up the approval process. A SAMMARTEX inspector will go to your factory and connect with your quality team using video technology. Guided by your quality team, the SAMMARTEX inspector will perform an evaluation of the pre-production or production samples incorporating the following:

  • Measurement check
  • Seal and sign specifications
  • Evaluation of technical aspects following client’s proto-sample comments e.g. check garments fabrication, construction, workmanship etc.
  • Dummy fit check (when the dummy is available)
  • Sample sealing

These remote sample approval sessions can be recorded and made available on-demand.

Remote sample approval is available for all product categories without restrictions, including high-risk categories, thanks to SAMMARTEX's extensive inspection expertise.

Why Use Remote Sample Approval

  • Avoid time delays caused by international shipping
  • Reduce lead-time and shipping costs by performing sample approval and sealing onsite at your factory, anywhere in the world
  • A SAMMARTEX inspector onsite within 48 hours
  • Optimized report issued on the same day including key findings and pictures
  • Report format can be fully customized depending on your specific needs